Running a business can be quite a hassle at times. I know for a fact that keeping the current customers is just as, if not more, important than getting brand new customers. The people whom you've dealt with already can be you best friends in so many ways. I have been working at this stuff for a while and I've come up with this list of ways you can keep in touch with and get your previous customers to return to you.
Ship them newsletters
Shipping out newsletters via e-mail or mail is a great way to let the past customers know about something that is new in the business and it alerts them of any deals that may be going on with your company. Also this provides a good reminder to the customer about your site. That way they can come back and they will remember more easily.
Offer special deals
Returning customers deserve a special thank you from you. That's why you should offer them special deals or discounts on certains items. Perhaps offering a special code for a discount might be a good way to bring them back. Or perhaps offering free shippng for all returning customers may also be a good way to help things along.
Gift em
Giving customers gifts makes them feel all warm and special inside. If you're dealing with the general public you may want to try giving out some basic items in life such as gift cards or free products. If you're dealing with a more corporate style of customer than you'll need something different. I've heard that it's a good idea to give out
fine wine gifts to all of your top clients
Provide great service
The best way to get people coming back is basically free. Just provide a great service, give the people what you say you're going to give them, and make sure they leave the situation thinking of your business as a good one. Remember, scams only last for a few months while a good solid business could be around for years and years as long as you please the customer. Once again as always, the customers need to be happy. All of the free gift cards and wine in the world can't take the place of a smooth transaction.