
The business blog from Epic Zone Inc. Posts include news and updates from our 2 businesses: Epic Custom PC and The Epic Host.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I got paid.

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Recently I've started using a blog ad company named PayPerPost to make some extra money. I heard about PayPerPost through an ad on Google. I figured it was just another cheap scam, but I was quickly proven wrong. I never realized just how much money this would make me. If all goes well and I get my extra college loan I am going to quit my shitty job at McDonalds and start writing all the time. The money I made in two weeks of posting on PayPerPost was actually about the same as my check from two weeks at McDonalds. The only difference is that it only takes 1-2 hours a day to ad my posts on the internet while I worked 76 hours at McDonalds to get that money. It's a big difference and I hope that if I am able to quit I will be able to really improve upon my site greatly. So I would like to put a huge thanks out to PayPerPost.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget to take into account that you'll have to pay taxes on your PPP money eventually if you make enough while McD already takes out your taxes. It could cause a future problem if your income gets high enough if you're not careful.

11:39 AM


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